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Just do it!

My first blog post is just a little practical advice. I've been sitting on the idea of starting a

blog for years now, but it never felt like the right time. I was either working, in school, or volunteering at church and I just never found the time to start. What I didn't realize was that I had time, what I lacked was drive. I had a dream and a desire to do something,write something ,sing something, to use my creativity in some way to help people. I made plans and I strategized I envisioned what I wanted, but I never put anything into motion. This past Wednesday I was on my way to bible study with a dear friend and as we were talking she expressed to me that she's at a point in her life where she's tired of talking about her dreams. Then she looked at me and said "Let's just do it!".

I couldn't have agreed with her more, but it didn't end there. Once we got to bible study our pastor was teaching 10 principles we needed to understand in order to grow. Before the message was over he looked directly at me called my name and said "it's time to start NOW!".

I could have fell off of my chair. At this point I had all the confirmation that I needed. I know that success doesn't come over night, but I also know that it most certainly will not come if I never put any work in. Dreaming in and of itself doesn't bring forth manifestation. It isn't fruitful on its own, but dreaming and drive is a perfect marriage! You need something to push you forward after you wake up to go and get what it is your heart and soul hope for. If it's a healthier lifestyle don't just look at Pinterest pictures of healthy food and fit people all day, and then get depressed because you don't see the results! I give that example because we're all guilty

of it. So, instead of letting envy, bitterness, discontentment, or memories of past failures sink us into depression we must use those images to motivate us, propel us even to the place we want to be.

The goal is not to be perfect, because if we aim for perfection we set a false expectation that will only lead to disappointment. I know it's hard, especially if you're a perfectionist like myself. However, perfectionism most times immobilizes you making it very hard to move forward until every little thing is in order. Or you wait until you have the best of everything to start. Most perfectionist are often times the worst procrastinators. I know this because I waited so long to do anything about my goal to start my blog. My first excuse was that I didn't have a good enough computer. I got one for Christmas and then my excuse was that I didn't have a good enough camera to take pictures, and record video for youtube. Next, it was the fact that I gained weight and wanted to wait until I lost it before getting on camera. But, then I realized that everyone has to start somewhere. The more you do something the better you become at it. As long as you've done your best you can walk with your head held high and not have any regrets. It's also refreshing to look back and see how far along you've come since you first started. With all that being said, I look forward to this journey. I'm excited to grow to learn and to move forward. It can only get better from here.

My question to you is what dream are you sitting on? What goal are you trying to reach? What situation do you want to improve? Is it a business? Is it reconciliation with a friend or a family member? Is it eating healthier? Is it spending more quality time with family? Is it better budgeting skills? What ever it is, take your first step TODAY!

Feel free to comment below or share with me on the contact page your progress. You can achieve it you have to JUST DO IT.

-With Lots of Love


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